
Tabrez BinHamid
1 min readDec 25, 2020

“The Totkay presented by Amal are helpful in developing and grooming our minds from a very fixed mindset to a growth mindset.”

“Change Your Words that Change Your Mindset “

One of the Totka that I really loved and have decided to apply is:

1:Ask People for Help: I always was thought of myself as a problem solver on my own, but going through the course: It seems that asking others for help isn't that big of a deal. It's better to bounce ideas off of someone when you are in a fix, it helps get you in a groove for the thinking process.

Amal Totkay Takeaways:

1:Believe in yourself.

2:Face Challenges head on and learn from your failures.

3:Always keep improving,never stop learning.

4:Feedback matters, so it's imperative that it is seeked out whenever you are about to do something big or small.

5:Adopt a behavior that leads you to a better future.

What can they do to develop a Growth Mindset beginning from Today?

A growth mindset can be achieved when one is open to new experiences and challenges. In order to develop it, one must keep on learning and adapting to changes in order to be effective in the thinking process.

